Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Service Based Business

"Service-based business" includes well organized management for providing as well as consuming the various services at the same time thus it has two main entities in it viz service providers and service consumers. Business owners find it very difficult to do all tasks by themselves so they outsource these tasks to the appropriate providers in the market.

Various different type of services based businesses that you are most likely to come across are :

Writing : Article writing or writing on a site for someone.

Web Designing : Desiging Web sites for clients.

Accounting/Bookkeeping : Maintaining books and accounts.

Virtual Assistant : providing administrative support to the clients using phones, fax without stepping into client's office.

You need some expierence as well as skills under your belt to improvise on the above fields so that u can get started wid the service business of your own right away. Clients will be more interested in the skills you possess to complete the task given rather than your educational certificates so be focused more on completing the work in the most effective and impressive way from others. Winning client's trust online is not so easy so your skills and expierence will work for you in winning client's trust and hence making you the only choice for that particular type of work.

While into service based business always keep in mind that you need to be quickly responsive to the clients to meet the changes and demands in no time as no one likes to wait for anyone. So use a email client wid a reliable internet connection or phone service to always stay in touch with your clients whenever and if possible wherever required.

So what are you guys waiting for, keep in mind the following steps and get started :

Initially get aware of what kind of services you can provide to the clients.

Build up a site that will describe your job and showcase testimonials from the others who have used your skills.

Provide each and every information on your website to the clients from rates of ur services to the flow of your services.

Market your site well where you find your targeted clients more easily.

It takes time to build up a good list of clients so dont target quick money. Always remember slow and steady wins the race.